Automate Your Entire Workflow with AI And Start Ranking in Google Again!

Brainstorm and automatically create content, schedule posts, and boost rankings with genuine user engagement.

Example Articles Created Using MedPoster:

These articles were cretaed 100% using MedPoster.  Click on the images to view the full articles.

Medium Poster AI is an online tool designed to revolutionize how you manage using  Generate high-quality content effortlessly, automate your posting schedule, and even build authority.

Enhanced Visibility

By leveraging Medium’s strong domain authority, your articles have a better chance of being indexed and ranked higher on Google, driving more organic traffic to your posts and increasing your online visibility.

Built-In Audience

By publishing on Medium, you tap into a built-in audience, increasing the likelihood that your articles will be read, clapped for, and commented on. This engagement can lead to higher rankings on Medium itself and further boost your content's visibility.

Credibility and Trust

Readers are more likely to view, share, and engage with your articles when they are hosted on a platform known for quality content. This credibility can help you build a loyal following and establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

And Google loves!  

Start ranking at the top of Google again using Medium’s authority..

Recent Google algorithm updates have made platforms like Medium even more powerful, boosting their articles higher in search rankings. benefits significantly from these changes, often featuring its articles as snippets in search results like these:

MedPoster AI Features

Automated Content Creation

Generate compelling content based on keywords or URLs. Automatically insert images and even embed relevant YouTube videos within each article completely on auto-pilot!

Engagement Tasks

Drive real user interactions, boosting your profile's authority and reach. With more followers, claps, and comments, your posts are more likely to be indexed and ranked higher on Medium (and Google), driving more organic traffic to your profile.

Connect Unlimited Accounts

Link an unlimited number of Medium accounts using our seamless API integration. This feature is perfect for businesses and individuals managing multiple profiles, streamlining the process and saving valuable time.

Scheduling & Auto-Posting

Post immediately or schedule content at various intervals to maintain consistent engagement. By keeping your audience regularly updated, you improve loyalty and interaction rates.

Article Idea Generator

Say goodbye to the endless hours spent brainstorming article ideas and crafting the perfect titles. With MedPoster AI, you only need to provide your topic and specify the number of titles you want. Our powerful AI will handle the rest, generating a variety of compelling and relevant article ideas in seconds. This tool simplifies your content planning process, allowing you to focus on creating high-quality content without the hassle of ideation.

Team Members

Allow team members limited access to your account so they can manage the campaigns and content. Team members will have their own login credentials giving you full control over your own account.

How MedPoster AI Works

step 01

Title/Article Generator

Provide your topic and specify the number of titles you want. MedPoster AI will handle the rest, generating a variety of compelling and relevant article ideas in seconds. This tool simplifies your content planning process.

step 02

Create Content

Enter keywords or URLs to generate high-quality articles. The AI-driven content creation ensures that your articles are relevant and engaging.  Comes complete with an editor to ensure your content is exactly the way you want it.

step 03

Edit, Schedule, or Auto-Post

Choose to post immediately or edit your articles then set a schedule for automated posting. This flexibility helps maintain a steady stream of content, keeping your audience engaged.

step 04

Boost Engagement

Boost your content with real followers, claps, and comments to enhance your profile’s authority. Increased engagement helps improve your ranking and visibility on Medium.

See It In Action...

Why Choose MedPoster AI?

Save Time

MedPoster AI automates your entire workflow, from content creation to scheduling posts. No more hours spent brainstorming, writing, and posting manually.

Increase Engagement

By leveraging our network of readers, you can increase followers, claps, and comments on your posts.

Improve Ranking

MedPoster AI ensures that your content is optimized for search engines and aligned with the latest SEO best practices.

User-Friendly Interface

Whether you're a seasoned marketer or a novice blogger, our platform is user-friendly, ensuring you can navigate and utilize all its features without any technical hassle.

Who Is MedPoster For?

MedPoster AI is the ultimate tool for anyone looking to maximize their presence with minimal effort. By automating your content creation, scheduling posts, and enhancing user engagement, MedPoster AI helps you leverage Medium’s high domain authority and Google’s latest updates to achieve superior visibility, higher rankings, and increased credibility.

Bloggers and Writers:

Spend more time on your creative process while MedPoster AI handles the logistics of publishing and promoting your content. Ensure your posts reach your audience at the right time, maximizing engagement and readership.

Influencers and Social Media:

Grow your following and maintain high engagement levels with minimal effort. MedPoster AI allows you to focus on interacting with your audience while it takes care of content creation and posting schedules.

Product Owners:

Keep your audience informed and engaged with regular updates about your products and services. MedPoster AI streamlines the process of creating and scheduling posts, allowing you to highlight features, updates, and customer testimonials effortlessly.

Digital Marketers

Automate your content creation and posting to generate consistent traffic. With MedPoster AI, you can focus on optimizing your marketing strategies while the tool ensures your Medium posts are engaging and timely.

Real-Life Scenarios

Scenario 1: Online Marketer

User Profile:


An online marketer specializing in content marketing for various niches.


Jane uses Medium Poster AI to streamline her content marketing strategy. She connects all her Medium accounts through the platform’s API integration, allowing her to manage them from a single dashboard. With the automated content creation feature, Jane inputs relevant keywords for each client’s niche, generating compelling articles tailored to their target audience.  

By leveraging the auto-posting and scheduling feature, Jane sets up a posting calendar, ensuring that content is published at optimal times to maximize audience engagement. She also utilizes the engagement tasks to drive real interactions, such as followers, claps, and comments. This not only boosts the credibility of her profiles but also helps in better indexing and visibility on Medium, leading to higher organic reach.

With Medium Poster AI, Jane significantly reduces the time and effort required to manage multiple accounts and create content. She sees improved engagement metrics and higher rankings on Medium, resulting in increased traffic and potential leads for her businesses.

Scenario 2: Business Owner

User Profile:


The owner of a digital marketing agency offering SEO and content marketing services.


John integrates Medium Poster AI into his content marketing strategy to boost his agency’s visibility on Medium. He connects his agency’s Medium account via the API and uses the automated content creation feature to produce articles on topics related to SEO, digital marketing, and industry trends.
By scheduling posts at regular intervals, John maintains a steady stream of content that keeps his audience engaged and returning for more insights. He orders engagement tasks to drive real user interactions, such as claps, comments, and follows, which enhances the authority and credibility of his Medium profile. This increased engagement leads to better indexing on Medium, making his articles more discoverable by a wider audience.
Medium Poster AI helps John establish his agency as a thought leader in the digital marketing space. The increased visibility and engagement on Medium attract new clients to his agency, contributing to business growth. The automation features save John time and allow him to focus on providing high-quality services to his clients

Choose Your Plan

You must use your own OpenAI key.
See the FAQ section below for more details.




You can purchase multiple plans to increase your monthly limit.


No, we dislike upsells as much as you!  So we’ve included ALL the features on the front-end offer.  Just pick with plan you want and you’re set.

Yes, there are in-depth tutorials that show step-by-step how to use every part of setting up and using MedPoster AI.  

There are multiple ways you can earn using Medium.

  • Join their partner program.
  • Sell your products and services.
  • Build a email list to market to.
  • Affiliate marketing.
  • Drive traffic to your other online properties.

MedPoster AI is designed to help you automate the process of creating, editing, and managing your content on efficiently. However, we do not control how you use the software. Medium has specific policies and guidelines in place, and it’s your responsibility to understand and follow these rules to ensure your account remains in good standing.

To build a thriving audience on Medium, you must adhere to their policies. Misuse of the platform, such as spamming or violating their guidelines, can lead to your account being banned. We recommend familiarizing yourself with Medium’s rules, which you can read here:

By using MedPoster AI responsibly and in compliance with Medium’s policies, you can maximize your chances of success on the platform while avoiding any potential issues.


Yes, we support most languages.

Articles typically range between 1,000 and 2,000 words. MedPoster AI includes a built-in editor, allowing you to easily add, remove, or modify content before publishing or scheduling your articles. This flexibility ensures your content meets your exact standards and preferences.

Many platforms, including Medium, enforce strict guidelines regarding links, especially affiliate links.

While you are allowed to include affiliate links in your Medium articles, it’s crucial to ensure that your content is of high quality and adheres to Medium’s policies. Simply posting numerous product reviews filled with affiliate links can be seen as abuse of the platform.

Medium offers numerous benefits, such as the ability to share your content with a wide audience, build a loyal following, and even earn income through the Medium Partner Program. By consistently providing valuable and engaging content, you can leverage Medium to grow your influence, connect with readers, and monetize your writing efforts.

You must use your own OpenAI API key to create content. (We show you how to easily get this).  OpenAI fees vary depending on the model you choose. For instance, if you use the default GPT-3.5 Turbo model, you can expect to pay around $0.01 to $0.02 per article. If you decide to add AI-generated images, it will cost an additional $0.04 to $0.08 per image. Other models, such as GPT-4 and GPT4o cost a few cents more per article.

You can monitor all your OpenAI expenses directly through your OpenAI account.

We also offer an optional service called MedPoster AI Booster. This will get you real user interaction to your articles to get them indexed and ranked faster.  This services starts as low as $2 per campaign.

Yes, we offer a 7-day refund policy. However, if you create 20 or more articles within those 7 days, you will not be eligible for a refund. This policy is in place to help prevent abuse of our system.

Read our full policy here:

We work with real people from around the world, not bots, to interact with your content. Our network includes hundreds of thousands of users eager to read and engage with your articles.

Since we compensate these users for their participation, there is an additional cost for using the engagement service. For example, hiring 25 people to read, clap, follow, and comment on your article typically costs around $6 for the entire task.

While we strive to meet your engagement requests, we can’t control every action of each user. Some users may clap multiple times, resulting in more claps than you initially requested.